How To Make Healthy 4-Ingredient Ice Cream Sandwiches
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How To Make Healthy 4-Ingredient Ice Cream Sandwiches

These ice cream sandwiches are perfect for a healthier way to have a treat on a hot day. With a 1-ingredient ice cream and 3-ingredient cookie, all with no added sugar, you can all enjoy a quickly made ice cream in the sun without having to deal with sugar highs and crashes in intensely hot…

Simple Creamy Tomato Risotto with Courgettes
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Simple Creamy Tomato Risotto with Courgettes

A delicious creamy tomato risotto that is easy to make with simple-to-find ingredients. This tomato risotto is gluten-free and vegetarian. “Mummy, what’s for dinner? Is it ready? Can I watch telly?” The torrent of questions just keeps on coming. Don’t you just love that hour before dinnertime? 🙄 Most days, a super quick simple dinner…

My Last-Minute Veg-Packed Pasta Salad
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My Last-Minute Veg-Packed Pasta Salad

This veggie-loaded pasta salad is healthy and filling, and best of all, it is easy and quick enough to be a last-minute meal. Perfect for the crazy busy mornings when lunchboxes are empty and time is short. You’re wolfing down a piece of toast while you simultaneously brush a child’s hair and run through last…

13 Low Sugar Ice Cream Recipes to Cool You Down This Summer
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13 Low Sugar Ice Cream Recipes to Cool You Down This Summer

Discovering that frozen fruit could be blitzed with yogurt or liquid and make low sugar ice cream has been one of my favourite finds of the last few years. Whenever I see brown spotty bananas marked down in a supermarket, I buy a bunch (or 4) and freeze them to keep on hand for an…

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Amazingly Easy Healthy Almond Cake With Stewed Strawberries

So my kids have chickenpox. Yep, that’s my life right now. Oh, but it gets better… Because my own autoimmune disease means that although I’ve had both chickenpox and shingles in my life, my body still feels the need to fight the virus now with more extreme than usual measures. Namely, waking me up at…

Greens & Goat’s Cheese Quiche (an easy make-ahead lunch)
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Greens & Goat’s Cheese Quiche (an easy make-ahead lunch)

Hands up if you have time to make a from-scratch exciting lunch everyday? Yeah, me neither. Instead, in order to make sure we have healthy food as often as possible throughout the day, I rely heavily on leftovers and make-ahead meals. This is one of them. A delicious, creamy, soft quiche that keeps really well…