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Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese

This simple delicious pasta dish is a great one for when you get bored of bolognese. Vegan and super sweet, this pumpkin bolognese is as easy to make as it is yummy to eat!

Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese | Raising Sugar Free Kids #sugarfree #familyfavourites #pumpkin #fall #pasta #bolognese #autumn #vegan #dairyfree

Bolognese. Popular in our house. So much so that I’m starting to feel I’ve tried all.the.recipes.

For someone who adores variety as much as me, that can leave you feeling a little stuck. Sure, I have my trusty meaty tomato-ey bolognese recipe up my sleeve. The one that has been selected by the whole family as the best of the best after trying so many.

But sometimes you just want something…different. Especially when so many tomato sauces contain sugar, and you just don’t want to spend hours waiting for a tomato sauce to cook down.

This recipe is certainly that.


And delicious.

Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese | Raising Sugar Free Kids #sugarfree #familyfavourites #pumpkin #fall #pasta #bolognese #autumn #vegan #dairyfree

Because everything tastes better with pumpkin. Even bolognese. (Sorry, pumpkin haters, I promise this is the last of my pumpkin recipes for this season!)

And for the meat-eating skeptics? Well, you can always try it with mince if you like, or a blend of half lentils, half mince. But the truth is, I honestly don’t think you miss it. It’s just too good to feel like something is missing!

Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese | Raising Sugar Free Kids #sugarfree #familyfavourites #pumpkin #fall #pasta #bolognese #autumn #vegan #dairyfree

It’s creamy, warming, comforting, orange-y, lightly spiced, soft, hearty, filling food.

And there’s not a pinch of sugar in sight.


Little hands can:

  • Wash the greens
  • Add the ingredients to the pan
  • Sprinkle over parmesan/herbs/pumpkin seeds or toasted breadcrumbs to serve
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Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese | Raising Sugar Free Kids #sugarfree #familyfavourites #pumpkin #fall #pasta #bolognese #autumn #vegan #dairyfree
Vegan Pumpkin Bolognese
Prep Time
2 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
17 mins

Ok, so not really a "bolognese" as such, but a vegan autumnal take on it that tastes wonderful.

Course: Main Course, Pasta, Vegan, Vegetarian
Servings: 6 hungry people (8 smaller portions)
  • 1 cup (200g) red lentils, soaked at least 2 hours, or overnight, and rinsed thoroughly
  • 2 cups (500g) pumpkin puree
  • 2 cups (500ml) water or sugar free vegetable stock (homemade is ideal, and chicken will work here, too, if you aren't vegan)
  • 1 cup (250g) chopped kale or spinach
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt & pepper
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) coconut milk
  • 8 oz (250g) spaghetti
  • fresh coriander or parsley and vegan parmesan*, to serve
  1. Put everything in a large saucepan or stock pot and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for about 10-15 mins, stirring regularly and adding a little extra water if it starts to stick, until the pasta is cooked and the lentils are cooked but still retain a little bite. Serve warm - it's particularly nice served with a lightly dressed salad.

Recipe Notes

*you can make your own vegan parmesan with a few ingredients if you wish, or just skip this! Toasted pumpkin seeds or toasted breadcrumbs make a nice crunchy alernative or addition if you prefer.

Love 15-minute dinners? Find many more of mine here.

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