Sweet & Spicy Tomato Soup
Does anyone else get fed up with how early the Christmas stuff comes out each year? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m no Grinch. I LOVE Christmas. It is an amazing season, wonderful family time and full of beautiful traditions. And yummy, yummy, yummy food. Yep, triple yummy. And I’m not taking it back.
Plus, as a Christian, it’s, well… pretty important.
But when I walk into my local garden centre with my kids in late August and hear them shout “Santa!!!” pointing at the poster advertising the need to book “breakfast with Father Christmas”, I die a little bit inside. Especially when I swallow my pride and go back a few weeks later (because, hey, safe friendly space for my kids to run around in and give me five minutes peace – yes please!) just to be greeted by an actual “Christmas section” of the shop filled with sweets, tinsel and baubles. I mean…COME ON!!
Anyway, rant aside, I do believe we should at least wait until we’ve got some of the other big holidays of this time of year out of the way before we start playing Jingle Bells.
Our family don’t personally celebrate Halloween, but I appreciate the fun it holds for many kids, and always try to create something a little more wholesome and a little less scary that can give my kids the fun and treats they crave without going full scary evil hog (wow, now there’s an image I’d like to erase).
Of course, a pumpkin & ginger cake or pumpkin cookies are great sweet options in our house. Or a batch of sugar free marshmallows and some chestnut biscuits with 85-90% chocolate to make awesome low sugar s’mores.
But around Halloween and Bonfire Night time of year, I also love the warming savoury foods that get a little lost in all the sweets and cake recipes flying around.
I love a good jacket potato with chilli or BBQ pulled pork bun for a Bonfire Night or Halloween dinner, but sometimes at this time of year, you just can’t beat a really great homemade soup. Something hot and slightly spiced, sweet, smoky and ideally served in a big mug with a good hunk of homemade bread and a big slice of cheese on the side.
I can go properly hearty with a beef & barley one, or savoury and light with a carrot, ginger & miso one. Or I can go super sweet and make my squash & apple one.
But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many people’s (especially children’s) firm favourite is a good old-fashioned tomato soup. And since the ones in a can often contain a load of sugar and salt, homemade is the only way to go in our house. Especially when you know how easy it can be.
So if you are looking for a really simple and affordable healthy dinner to warm you through this autumn, look no further. I’ve got you covered. Bury your head in a tasty mug of soup, and your head in the sand about the looming holidays. No? Just me?

A delicious, comforting, sweet & lightly spiced no-added sugar tomato soup. So much better than the stuff in a can, and perfect for warming you through on a fall evening. Great for sipping from a mug on Halloween or Bonfire Night. Gluten free and vegan.
- 1 onion, finely diced
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 leek, finely sliced
- 250 g (1 cup) sweet potato puree*
- 2 tins (800g/28oz) chopped tomatoes
- 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon mild chilli powder (or Tabasco to taste), optional
- fresh chopped basil, crumbled cooked bacon or roasted chickpeas, to serve (optional)
Fry the onion, garlic and leek gently in oil over a low-medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until translucent and softened. Add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a simmer. Simmer for about 10 minutes or until everything is cooked through, hot and soft. Taste and add spices, Tabasco or extra seasoning, if desired. Blitz until smooth. Serve on its own or top with fresh chopped basil, roasted chickpeas and/or crumbled bacon.