Parmesan-Coated Swede (Rutabaga) Fries
Hands up if you love fries? And keep them up if you love cheese? Two of the world’s yummiest foods coming together to make these delicious Parmesan-coated swede (that’s rutabaga to any American readers) fries.
Super easy, cheap, and very yummy!
They have a lot more flavour than your standard chips (fries) made with white potato. And while I love sweet potato fries, sometimes I just fancy something a bit…different. And these fit the bill perfectly.
Deep, almost smoky flavour. Naturally sweet. And quick to prep and cook.
Serve them as a side with our slow cooked lamb recipe, or top them with guacamole, cooked black beans, chopped tomatoes and sliced spring onions for a Mexican loaded fries feel. Combine with our homemade fish fingers for a change, or serve alongside chicken piccata or, well, pretty much any meat, fish or veggie dish you like!
Or, just make them to snack on. Not that I’ve done that before…shh…

A delicious side or low carb snack, these swede (rutabaga) fries are coated in Parmesan and have a lovely deep, almost smoky flavour.
- 1 medium swede (rutabaga), sliced into "fries"
- 2 tbsp olive oil or melted coconut oil
- salt & pepper
- 25 g (1/4 cup) freshly grated Parmesan cheese (make sure to use a vegetarian equivalent for vegetarian fries)
Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas 7. Toss the swede fries in the oil, season with salt & pepper and spread out on a lined baking tray. Sprinkle the Parmesan over the fries and bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 mins, until the swede is cooked and softened.