Perfect Roast Potatoes
Sometimes I can be a bit down on potatoes. My reasoning is not totally unjustified. After all, they are classed as a carbohydrate rather than a vegetable, and certainly contain only a smidgen of the nutrients found in many root vegetables or its “sweet” relation.
But the truth is, potatoes do contain plenty of goodness. They are rich in potassium and vitamin C, but keeping the skin on and ideally choosing organic potatoes are key in getting the best out of them (most of the mineral content and fibre is found in the skin). Maybe I wouldn’t pile up a plate with potatoes rather than vegetables, and I don’t often make them more than once a week, preferring to choose wholegrains for our carbohydrate intake. But for a good old fashioned roast, there is simply no replacement for a perfect roast potato side, fluffy on the inside and crisp and golden on the outside.
The thing is, it took me a looong time to learn how to make roast potatoes properly. My French mother made the most delicious soft and mushy potatoes to go alongside meat and vegetables when we were growing up, and I still adore them that way to this day, but they were not your classic British roast potato. I didn’t make my first roast until I was in my twenties and had moved to England. And while everything was good, I was disappointed by the potatoes, wondering how pubs and restaurants managed to get them so soft and yet crispy. What was their secret?
Ah, but now I know.
There is a knack, a trick, a secret. In fact, there are a couple. There are a few very specific tricks and a very specific order to get roasties just right.
So I thought I’d save you the same frustration and hassle it took me to properly nail roast potatoes every time and provide you with the end result – the perfect roast potato recipe. Seriously, perfect. Every time.
Just in time for your Christmas roast dinner.
You’re welcome. 😉

Perfect roasties every time. Just follow the foolproof tricks to get them just right whenever you fancy a roast potato side to your dinner.
- 3 large baking potatoes, washed and dried, but not peeled
- 3 tbsp coconut or olive oil
- large pinch (about 1-2 tsp) sea salt flakes
- pepper, to taste
Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas 7 and place in it a large roasting dish with the oil in it, letting the oil melt and get sizzling hot while you parboil the potatoes. Chop the potatoes into medium-sized chunks (about 3-4cm in width). Bring a large pan or stockpot of slightly salted water to the boil and simmer the potato chunks in it for about 8-10 mins, until starting to give way to the prod of a knife. (This is the key to getting the softness of the inside of a perfect roast potato.)
Drain the potatoes and let them steam dry for a minute or two, then toss then in the colander to slightly "dent" them (giving some of them a bash with a fork to damage them can be great, too). To ensure extra crispness you could add an optional tablespoon of flour or polenta here and toss to coat, but it is not 100% necessary. Very carefully remove the roasting dish of oil from the oven and place the hot potatoes straight in (it will sizzle!). Toss with a spoon to coat the potatoes as much as you can, then return to the oven (don't add the salt at this stage if you want crispy-on-the-outside potatoes).
Roast for about 40-50 mins, until the potatoes are golden and soft and fluffy on the inside. Add the salt and pepper and return to the oven for 5 more mins. Serve hot out of the oven (the longer you leave them the less good they will be). Bask in the compliments! 😉
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