Low Sugar Chocolate Fudge Sauce
When I was growing up, there was a dessert I would order every.chance.I.got.
No seriously. Every chance.
It was called a “Dame Blanche”. It’s on a lot of restaurant menus in Belgium, and is beautifully simple but completely delicious.
You take a few scoops of vanilla ice cream and pour over it a generous amount of chocolate fudge sauce. And then you savour every heavenly spoonful.
Except of course, I can’t these days. Because when I indulge in something that contains that much sugar now, I don’t just have the highs and crashes that I had as a kid. I risk stomach cramps, headaches, nausea and other aches & pains.
But I’m determined not to miss out. And I already have a sugar free vanilla ice cream recipe that I love.
So I had to tackle the chocolate fudge sauce. I knew it couldn’t be too hard to get it low sugar but still yummy, rich, creamy and heavenly.
And I was right.
Spoon it over my sugar free ice creams (vanilla, chocolate or fruit), ladle into a bowl for the table and dip fresh fruit in it – fondue style, or pour over sugar free treats. It won’t get old. And no one will know it’s only got 7g of sugar (less than 2 teaspoons) in the whole cup (which easily serves 8-10 people).
You’re welcome. 🙂
And yes, those are low sugar profiteroles. AMAZING low sugar profiteroles. Which will be on the blog later this week, so check back in because you will not want to miss those!

Creamy, gooey, fudgey, rich... this chocolate fudge sauce has all of the flavour but is really low in sugar (less than 2 tsp in the whole jug).
- 1 tbsp unsalted butter
- 75 ml (1/3 cup) double (heavy) cream
- 3 tbsp powdered xylitol*
- pinch of salt
- 75 g (2 and 1/2 oz) really dark chocolate (at least 85%)
Put everything in a pan over low heat and stir until the chocolate is almost completely melted and everything is thickening up. Take off the heat and keep stirring until the chocolate is melted and the sauce is thick. Pour into a jug or jar and allow to cool. This will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days, but it will go hard, so make sure you warm it for a few secs in the microwave to bring it back to the right consistency.
If you want this sauce at more of a pouring consistency, stir in a bit more cream or some milk to thin it out a little before using.